Architectural analysis of photovoltaic (PV) module applications on non-flat roofs

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Janusz Marchwiński

Keywords : photovoltaics, solar architecture, roofs, BIPV, PV modules

Due to the growing importance of renewable energy sources (RES) technology, a noticeable increase in interest in photovoltaics can be observed. Roofs most often provide the places where photovoltaic (PV) modules are installed. In many cases, ill-considered decisions concerning the selection of PV modules and their installation lead to unfavourable architectural effects. The article aims to examine the possibility of integrating PV modules installed on non-flat roofs with the broadly understood building architecture. An observational method based on case studies was applied to the study. Not only aesthetic aspects but also functional and technical aspects were considered while paying attention to energy issues. The conducted analysis indicates a good level of possibilities for integrating PV modules with architecture and these possibilities vary depending on the geometric features of the roof. Applications within full and glazed roofs are also rather distinctive.

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How to Cite
Marchwiński, J. (2023). Architectural analysis of photovoltaic (PV) module applications on non-flat roofs. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 22, 1–10.

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