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A dam is an engineered construction designed to store water primarily for human needs. When a dam fails, it has the potential to become a substantial disaster. Some primary causes of dam failure are excessive water leakage, landslides and earthquakes. In general, the current performance evaluation of the Mamak Dam falls into the “fairly good” category, even in the aftermath of the earthquake event with a magnitude of 6.5 Mw in 2018. In this study, the dam’s stability is analysed under seismic events, rapid drawdown and maximum daily rainfall infiltration. It is concluded that the upstream and downstream slopes were generally found to be safe in all design situations. Nevertheless, the impact of the maximum design earthquake (MDE) is notable in both pseudo-static and dynamic analyses, causing a reduction of over 50% in the factor of safety (FoS) – ultimately falling below the minimum safety threshold. Conversely, the operating basis earthquake (OBE) has a relatively minor effect on the FoS.
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