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Some of the most significant problems of industrialised countries are increasing consumerism, the growing demand for more and more energy and other natural resources, and the depletion of non-renewable sources. The visible consequences are environmental pollution and global warming. To address these issues, there is growing pressure on the use of alternative energy sources, the use of natural resources and the introduction of new technologies. The use of multi-criteria building certification systems, which evaluate their performance, is becoming increasingly common in the building industry. The BREEAM, the LEED, and the DGNB are among the most popular methods for assessing sustainable architecture, and they project management tools. The main task of the article was to define and describe the impact of documents related to sustainable development certificates on contemporary design and living and working conditions, as well as to demonstrate the relationship between the quality of architecture and environmental protection. Another goal is to indicate how dynamically the number of certificates issued in Poland is increasing. The study used the necessary research methods: analysis and criticism of applicable documents and literature, as well as an intuitive method based on personal experience. The scope of the work includes a discussion of the most frequently obtained certificates: the BREEAM, the LEED, and the DGNB, the achievements of which prove the use of solutions conducive to sustainable development.
Article Details
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