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This research addresses the global challenge of waste management (WM) by comparing landfill management practices in Poland (Radiowo landfill) and Indonesia (Kebon Kongok landfill) to define the differences in landfill WM systems and analyse the main challenges in implementing effective landfill management WM systems in Poland and Indonesia. The data was analysed by employing the rapid impact assessment matrix (RIAM). The analysis focused on three critical areas: gas management, leachate management and landfill reclamation. The results showed that the Polish landfill demonstrated high efficacy, particularly in leachate management with water quality impact (96), gas emissions control with methane extraction (96) and site reclamation for site restoration (96). For these purposes, the landfill uses advanced leachate treatment technologies and drainage systems. Conversely, Indonesian landfill practices show severe inefficiencies, with negative scores in almost all sectors. The lowest score was in leachate management with water quality impact (–48), gas emissions with air quality impact (–48) and site reclamation in community space development (–48). The study contributes to the sustainable waste management discourse, providing actionable insights for policymakers and environmental managers.
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