Integrating building information modelling (BIM) into construction: innovations, challenges, and global perspectives

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Małgorzata Kurcjusz
Karolina Krysińska
Michał Kosakiewicz
Maurycy Naliwajko
Zofia Jabłońska
Karolina Radecka
Ewa Grzegorzewska
Michał Sieczych
Eliza Ferenc-Pupek
Anna Stefańska

Keywords : Building Information Modelling, Facility Management, Augmented Reality, Clash Detection, Revit, Archicad

The contemporary construction industry is undergoing transformative changes driven by pervasive digitalisation, with building information modelling (BIM) emerging as a pivotal innovation. This paper explores the imperative of incorporating BIM into every new construction project, emphasising its potential to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and foster innovation. Through a comprehensive analysis of BIM’s application in Poland and globally, the review of current literature assesses various software tools and compares BIM methodologies with traditional construction practices. The paper also identifies opportunities and challenges associated with integrating emerging technologies in the construction sector. The findings emphasise the necessity of adopting BIM to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance project outcomes. BIM technology has undeniably become an elementary component of the process of creating and managing information about a construction project throughout its life cycle, used in architecture, engineering, and construction management.

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Małgorzata Kurcjusz, Karolina Krysińska, Kosakiewicz, M. ., Maurycy Naliwajko, Zofia Jabłońska, Karolina Radecka, … Stefańska, A. (2024). Integrating building information modelling (BIM) into construction: innovations, challenges, and global perspectives. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 23, 287–303.

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