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It is imperative to take pro-ecological actions that are beneficial to health, as well as adopt sustainable development practices in the face of the current environmental challenges facing humanity. It is crucial that environmental protection is implemented by all people on Earth, because the future is worrying – especially for what will be left for future generations. Green building solutions are being implemented worldwide, but not always in an appropriate manner. All green architecture integrates sustainable development and conservation, regardless of location. This article summarises and characterises the concept of the 6E (economic, energy-efficient, ecological, elastic, aesthetic, ergonomic) ecological building concept and the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) principle. It also presents an analysis of two ecological buildings in Poland. The first is a wooden building located in the village of Podgać, which serves as an example of combining modern design and ecology. It was built in harmony with nature and blends in with the natural environment of the forest. A half-timbered house in the village of Jarzębia Łąka is the second example where traditional construction, modern technical solutions and environmental protection come together. The presented project examples were examined in terms of ecological building principles and then compared with the 6E concept and the 3R principle. This paper presents a comprehensive study of two distinct eco-friendly building structures. The investigation covers technical characterisation, compliance with the 6E concept, comparison of ecological efficiency, and conclusions with recommendations. The Dom Baby Jagi [Baba Jaga House] in the village Podgać showcases a harmonious blend of simplicity, functionality, and economy, utilising wood with insulation for year-round habitation. It integrates renewable energy sources and rainwater harvesting, contributing to its ecological sustainability. Meanwhile, the half-timbered building in Jarzębia Łąka employs clay-straw bricks for construction, emphasising economic and environmental benefits with vapour-permeable walls and efficient insulation. Both structures exemplify ergonomic design, eco-friendly construction practices, and aesthetic integration with their natural surroundings. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating environmentally conscious solutions in modern architecture to address contemporary environmental challenges and promote sustainable development.
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