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Outdoor sports fields are places for sports activities, but simultaneously, they also serve as living spaces for vegetation. Sports fields are primarily intended for human activities, yet they also serve as habitats for plants. The interaction between sports activities and vegetation is an understudied area, which is the focus of this paper. The aim of the study is to evaluate the biodiversity and ecosystem functions of the vegetation. The selected Rosnička sports field is used by the Sokol Physical Education Unit and is located in the cadastral territory of Brno-Žabovřesky, Czech Republic. A total of 99 plant taxa were found within the locality. As revealed by the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), diverse parts of the sports field significantly differ in species composition from each other. The vegetation present in the outdoor sports field fulfils several ecosystem functions, such as creating a favourable microclimate, supporting biodiversity, serving an aesthetic function and providing a source of fruit. The quality of the sports turf is essential as it must withstand and facilitate sports activities. Sports facilities not only support the physical and mental health of residents, but also have the potential to synergistically support the biodiversity of urban ecosystems.
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