The cyclical nature of dualistic trends in urban design. Historical analysis of the creative attitudes of selected masters over the centuries

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Paulina Filas-Zając
Jacek Kwiatkowski

Keywords : urban space, spatial dualism, urban planning, history of urban structures, dichotomy in urban space

In this article, the authors raise issues of dualistic solutions in urban design and city development. It should be noted at the outset that the very concept of duality is not obvious and is inherently ambiguous. The numerous definitions that exist are very general. We can distinguish several disciplines and scientific areas where the concept of dualism occurs or can appear. At the same time, the definition of each of these phenomena will be different, depending on the area in which it occurs. Hence, the authors have made a far-reaching reduction in the types of dualisms, narrowing the area of research to the creative attitudes of urban planners, philosophers of space, artists, and architects in historical terms. The aim of the search for dual features in spatial forms is to find the key to a better understanding of the laws governing urban planning and urbanisation processes. Verification of opposites and dual characteristics takes place on three levels: community, form, and function. The urban conditions that occur contribute to the creation of new qualities and new spatial forms, which help redefine the city and its development. The paper is based on the thesis that dualism is a permanent feature of spatial solutions (a recurring feature) across the spectrum of history.

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How to Cite
Paulina Filas-Zając, & Jacek Kwiatkowski. (2024). The cyclical nature of dualistic trends in urban design. Historical analysis of the creative attitudes of selected masters over the centuries. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 23, 94–111.

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