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In this comprehensive study, we explore the multifaceted world of green sustainable construction, highlighting innovative techniques and materials. This article presents an insightful exploration of green sustainable construction, focusing on the crucial aspects of architectural design, judicious material selection, and the adoption of optimal structural designs. Through comprehensive literature research supplemented by practical examples, it highlights several innovative construction methodologies that are at the forefront of green sustainable development. These include the use of lightweight framing, cladding systems, autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), rammed earth, and straw bale construction, each contributing uniquely to environmental sustainability. The study brings to light the looming issue of raw material scarcity due to excessive exploitation, urging for sustainable material management in construction. It stresses the urgency of implementing effective pollution control measures within the construction sector, asserting that such practices are not just beneficial but essential for environmental conservation and sustainable development. This research contributes significantly to the field by providing a foundation for future exploration and advancements in sustainable construction practices.
Article Details
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