Main Article Content
Structures in which elements from different materials work together are successfully used in various combinations. Recently, new, effective construction materials and products have appeared. In complex or multi-component structures, elements made of materials with different physico-chemical or strain-strength characteristics should be sensibly combined for joint work. The more fully the properties of the components’ materials are utilised, the more efficient the design itself is. By analysing global practice, it can be seen that small concrete blocks have become widespread. The use of masonry made of hollow concrete blocks in modern construction differs from traditional ones in that the void area (up to 70%) makes it possible to create complex high-strength load-bearing structures by filling them with monolithic reinforced concrete. This also enables speeding up the construction process itself and reducing the cost of work on the construction site. The purpose of the study was to examine the strength of centrally compressed columns composed of hollow blocks and concrete filling with different transverse and longitudinal reinforcements, as well as to improve their calculation methodology. Experimental studies of centrally compressed columns, with different percentages of reinforcement using hollow concrete blocks as permanent formwork, have been carried out. The article presents the results of the research on strength, but the results of the strain studies were not included in this work. The proposed method of calculating complex constructions can be applied in design practice. A good correlation was observed between the experimental results and the results of the analytical model.
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