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The objective of the study is to analyse the role of the concept of common good in the contemporary field of urban studies. Through an interdisciplinary literature review, the basic explanation of the concept or common good is presented with a focus on common good in the urban environment. This work examines how urban commons became significant in scientific and public debates, translatable into tangible projects. The research results prove the academic and policy discussions focus on urban commons both in theoretical and engaged implementation of experiments in local urban governance. The notion of common good in the urban context, applied in territorial governance practices as commons, has an expanded international geographical reach, popularised within theoretical and more empirical approaches. The findings reveal a correlation between the discourse on urban commons and the proliferation of thematic debates and models; grassroot projects, demonstrating varied impacts by local social, cultural and policy contexts. In conclusion to the study of consecutive contemporary theories, the need to provide accurate elaboration on an urban commoning framework can be stated. This is a gap to bridge for enabling practical sustainable applications.
Article Details
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