A comparison of professional liability of architects in Poland and Sweden

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Katarzyna Walasek
Dariusz Walasek
Magdalena Pramfelt

Keywords : architecture, Poland, professional liability, regulated profession, Sweden

In Poland, the title of architect is a regulated profession, and many parameters must be met in order to obtain a construction license in the architectural specialty. On the other side of the Baltic Sea, in Sweden, where being an architect is also a regulated profession, the responsibility of this profession presents itself differently. The comparison of Poland and Sweden in terms of architectural professional liability aims to analyse how the architectural design process can influence the quality of architecture and the relationship between the architect and investor. By analysing these relations, one can observe the tendencies in architectural styles and the cost of building. The comparison of these two countries is based on the analysis of granting the architectural title and the required education. Another important factor in the comparison is the matter of liability. In Poland, an architect has civil responsibility, while in Sweden, an architect does not. The fact that the same architect works throughout all phases of the project in Poland allows for better implementation of the designer’s assumptions. In contrast, in Sweden, where phases of the project circulate between different architects, the creator of the concept has marginalised control over the end result. These differences have a big impact on the quality of architecture in general.


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How to Cite
Walasek, K., Walasek, D., & Pramfelt, M. . (2024). A comparison of professional liability of architects in Poland and Sweden. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 23. https://doi.org/10.22630/ASPA.2024.23.19


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