An analysis of the suppression of a pair of odd and even temperature fluctuation in an area occupied by a two-phase one-directional periodically layered composite

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Łukasz Wodzyński
Dorota Kula
Wierzbicki Ewaryst

Keywords : effective heat conduction, periodic composite, boundary effect, extended tolerance model

The study concerns a heat conduction problem in a two-phase, one-directional periodically layered composite (commonly referred to as a laminate). The model is strictly related to considerations regarding continuous media and was introduced by Professor Czesław Woźniak. The basis for the study is a re-formulation of the heat conduction model for composites, referred to in the literature as “the extended tolerance heat conduction model”. The model equations consider coefficients responsible for the intensity of exponential and rotational suppression of boundary fluctuations of a temperature field in a limited area or in a half-space occupied by the composite. The study investigated the dependence of the suppression intensity of boundary fluctuations on the geometrical and material properties of the composite. Three special cases of pairs of interacting boundary fluctuations were analysed.

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How to Cite
Wodzyński, Ł., Dorota Kula, & Wierzbicki Ewaryst. (2024). An analysis of the suppression of a pair of odd and even temperature fluctuation in an area occupied by a two-phase one-directional periodically layered composite . Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 23, 264–273.
Author Biography

Łukasz Wodzyński, Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw, Poland




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