Landfill reclamation using the example of the municipal waste disposal plant in Puławy – a case study

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Magdalena Vaverkova
Głażewski Karol

Keywords : waste management, landfill, reclamation, sustainability

Landfilling remains a dominant method of waste disposal worldwide, largely due to inadequate waste management frameworks, despite efforts to promote recycling and reuse. As populations and consumption levels grow, waste generation continues to increase, highlighting the need for effective waste management solutions. Landfills are sites where waste undergoes various physical, chemical and biological transformations, making the implementation of safety measures, leachate collection and gas recovery systems critical. This article presents a case study of the reclamation of the Puławy municipal landfill, which has been in operation since 1998. The reclamation process involved extensive steps such as forming the landfill body, securing the slopes, constructing a degassing layer, implementing a sealing layer and applying a cover layer. These measures were crucial in mitigating the negative environmental impact of the landfill, reducing harmful emissions and improving local groundwater quality. The results of the Puławy municipal landfill reclamation include reductions in leachate and gas emissions, improvements in air/groundwater quality and the transformation of the site into a green space that provides recreational opportunities for the community. This reclamation project serves as a model of responsible waste management and community involvement, demonstrating how degraded landfills can be transformed into valuable public resources. The article also discusses the broader implications of landfill reclamation, noting both the positive and negative aspects. Benefits include environmental protection, resource recovery, enhanced biodiversity and improved quality of life for local communities. However, challenges such as the long-term monitoring and maintenance of reclaimed sites and the financial costs associated with reclamation efforts are also considered. This study also underscores the importance of landfill reclamation in the process of shaping and promoting environmental sustainability, as well as addressing modern waste management challenges.


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How to Cite
Vaverkova , M. ., & Głażewski Karol. (2024). Landfill reclamation using the example of the municipal waste disposal plant in Puławy – a case study. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura, 23.


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