Main Article Content
The integration of building information modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS) plays a key role in modern civil engineering, improving the efficiency of construction project execution. This article focuses on specific aspects of this integration, such as spatial and engineering data management, spatial analysis, and optimisation of construction processes. Using the example of the Central Communication Port (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny – CPK) in Poland, it illustrates how BIM enables detailed digital representations of the physical characteristics of construction projects, supporting planning and management, while GIS provides tools for advanced spatial and environmental analyses. The integration of both technologies allows for precise representation of the spatial context, enhances resource management, reduces construction costs and risks, and supports interdisciplinary collaboration at various stages of the project. The article also discusses challenges, such as the lack of standardised data exchange procedures and the need for specialised training essential to acquire knowledge enabling full use the potential of BIM and GIS. The aim of the work is to analyse the impact of BIM and GIS integration on construction project management, with particular emphasis on data management processes and spatial analyses.
Article Details
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