Main Article Content
The purpose of the work was to develop a method for determining unmanned aerial vehicles’ (UAVs) coordinates, trajectory and parameters of their spatial movements by means of kinematic projection. The paper analyses the use of technologies for determining coordinates and spatial movements of aircraft trajectories. The principle of the kinematic scheme of fixing moving objects by means of orthogonal and kinematic design has been developed. The principle scheme of determining UAV coordinates by kinematic projection was studied. The theoretical mathematical dependencies of the determination and calculations of the coordinates of spatial movements of unmanned aerial vehicles have been practically verified. The main object of research in this work was the theory of kinematic design as a means of graphically displaying the patterns of spatial movements of objects. The subject of the study was the specific features of searching and recording the trajectories of spatial movements of unmanned aerial vehicles in order to determine the coordinates of their instantaneous location in space. In the process of conducting theoretical and experimental research, methods and techniques of physical and mathematical modelling of fast-moving processes and mathematical statistics of analysis and classification of their results were used. The basis of the experimental study was the theory of mapping coordinates and trajectories of spatial movements of moving objects by means of graphic geometry when combining classical orthogonal design with dynamic features of kinematic design. For an objective assessment of the results of the theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics of objects moving in space, the classical theory of research planning with a mathematical apparatus for processing their results was used. Graphical models of UAV coordinate fixation were made with the use of computer technology and the AutoCAD graphic editor software.
Article Details
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